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Training for Life

Two years ago a postcard advertising a personal trainer certification program arrived in my mailbox. It wasn’t a particularly noteworthy event, except that instead of throwing it immediately into the recycling bin, I held onto it. And began to do a little research into exactly what the certification process would entail.

I couldn’t imagine how I would use said credential, yet the idea of adding personal trainer to my resume nagged at me like an itchy bug bite. I mentioned it to my sister…who promptly agreed to enroll in the program with me.

After several months of discomfiting study that filled us both with fears of inadequacy, we completed the coursework. All that remained was the certification exam. My sister went first, early in the morning, and I followed suit on the same day, albeit after lunch. We both passed with flying colors.

A few months later we attended our first “Fit Fest,” a weekend of workshops meant to build our skills and knowledge. We were at a distinct disadvantage, never having worked in the fitness industry nor having had the benefit of secondary education in anatomy or kinesiology, yet our lack of experience somehow cemented our sense of purpose to serve a niche we knew well: women like us.

We realized that the workout world does not need more trainers who scream at female clients, or berate them for not pushing hard enough, or call them fat. The workout world does not need any more “fitness professionals” who pretend that the very real barriers that keep the average woman from exercise are, in essence, poorly disguised flaws of character.

The workout world does not need any more exercise programs from purveyors who promise total transformation in twelve weeks, when they know darn well that the shock of the training intensity and volume of time required will weed out most of the purchasers by week two.

The workout world does not need another miracle gadget, pill, powder, cream, diet, or meal replacement shake. It also does not need any more albums’ worth of photo-shopped before and after success stories touting these product lines.

What the workout world does need is a liberal dose of reality when it comes to women’s health and fitness. It needs to stop selling the notion that wrinkles and dimples and body fat percentages beyond the single digit range somehow represent inferiority to an imagined ideal.

Women are conditioned from a very young age to believe that skinny means fit, and to focus on meaningless numbers on a scale as a predictor of self-worth. They are taught to ignore the miracle of the body that serves them, to loathe the very things about it that make it so remarkable.

A hundred years ago my great-grandmother delivered a baby and a few short hours later, went out to milk the cows. Did she spend hours in a gym training for strength or spend hours pounding out miles on the treadmill to build her endurance? No. The activities of her daily life gave her exactly what her body needed.

I’ve bought many training programs over the years (those infomercials can be pretty convincing), but their potential for transformation seems to have been relegated to the weight of my wallet. It’s not that I’m lazy or lax in my efforts—it’s that I quickly lose motivational steam. Training for the sake of appearance sucks the joy right out of movement. 

What women need to be training for is life. Muscular size and definition matter little if you don’t have the core strength to support your spine or the balance to prevent falls. Training in functional ways, mimicking the movements you use in daily life, strengthens the muscles that matter most and doesn’t require extensive equipment or exorbitant amounts of time.

Fitting in fitness is easier than most people realize. Maybe beginning a workout regimen wouldn’t be so daunting if it weren’t structured as a systematic all-or-nothing program. Maybe if people were eased into it, the risk of attrition would be next to nil.

If fitness endeavors were perceived less as work and more as play, they might be a little more appealing to the masses. And if fitness was perceived as a speedy and effective means of improving quality of life—that, too, might ease the transition into it.

I’ve started exploring these possibilities in my kindergarten classroom this year by building in movement breaks. Kids are born as movers and shakers, but sedentary habits creep up quickly. Early in the year my students approximated the movements I introduced with poor form that indicated a lack of core strength. Over time, however, both their approximations and form have steadily improved.

More importantly, my students are taking the lead in moving their bodies. If they don’t care for a particular exercise, they substitute another that feels better to them. They’ve turned our movement breaks into dramatic (and sometimes silly) play. We growl as we bear-crawl around the classroom. We pretend to pinch each other when we crab-walk.

When we’re jogging in place, someone will call out, “Oh, no! Here comes a lion!” to pick up the pace. We even invent new movements—like climbing a pretend hill and dropping to our bellies in a superman pose to toboggan down it. The kids don’t realize that what they’re doing is technically exercise. They only know it as fun.

If five- and six-year-olds demonstrate a noticeable benefit from three minute increments of body weight movements, imagine how those sorts of activities could positively impact adults and families. 

There is power in movement—and strength, and endurance, and the potential for a healthy appreciation for what the body can do. And empowering women to be strong, flexible, and fit increases the odds that their spouses and children will follow suit.

This is what my sister and I envision when we picture our future in the workout world: getting women and their families moving in playful, purposeful ways. 

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